After a week, Amb's finally recovered enough to move out of the ICU, but it's unknown if he'll ever wake up.
Bal tells Nim that Amb's their only shot at getting a witness to TD's crimes, and now that he's recovering, TD might try something. So Nim agrees to watch over Amb, hidden in the air vent as a mouse or something.
Sure enough, TD comes to visit Amb. Alone with him, she pulls out a syringe, saying this isn't personal, she just can't have him outing her. Nim watches.
[[Stop TD and blow Nim's cover.->stop her]]
[[Draw attention so TD gets caught in the act.->stay hidden]]B visits secretly when he finds out Amb is awake. Amb is upset - he reveals that he's completely paralyzed.
(if: $TDdead is true)
[Amb feels hopeless - he can say he hadn't had anything to do with Bal killing TD, but Bal still murdered TD. Nothing he can do will clear his name. Bal tries to comfort him. Amb asks why he had to kill her. Things could have been so simple...
[[Epilogue->epilogue - dark]] ]
[Despite that, Amb says he's going to make a statement implicating TD about trying to kill him, and no, there wasn't a shapeshifter involved. He's sure of it.
[[trial]] ]Ambrosius miracuously survived the fall and is now in the ICU, comatose.
Ballister gets Nimona to sneak him into his room so he can see him.
(if: $TDdead is true) [Amb is unresponsive, but Ballister tells him to hang in there - he's posted the footage of TD attacking him, and it's blowing up. Nim chimes in that TD's dead now too - Bal killed her. No response from Amb.
[[Bal and Nim leave before they're found out.->social upheaval]] ]
(if: $TDalive is true) [Amb is unresponsive, but Ballister tells him to hang in there - he's posted the footage of TD attacking him, and it's blowing up. Justice is going to be dealt. Amb's vital signs sudennly improve a bit.
[[Bal and Nim leave before they're found out.->TD's rebuttal]] ]
(if: $emptyhanded is true) [Amb is unresponsive, but Ballister tells him to hang in there. He needs to recover so he can testify that TD had attacked him. Amb's vital signs sudennly improve a bit. [[Bal and Nim leave before they're found out.->TD PSA]] ]Mid-movie, Ballister is hiding on the balcony of The Director's office.
Ambrosius enters TD's office and confronts her regarding allegations. TD gives her story, then tries to stab him.
Amb dodges the stab, tries to wrestle the sword away, then gets blasted by TD's staff, knocking him over the balcony railing.
Bal, expecting that to have been Nimona, and that she's going to fly back up, confronts TD with the footage.
Then 'Ambrosius'/Nim bursts into the office, then notices Bal isn't hiding.
Nim: Uh, boss?
Bal, realizing that //that's// Nim, runs to balcony
Amb is dangling from a flag strung under the balcony, trying to hold on.
Startled about seeing Bal, his grip slips slightly.
Bal grabs the banner, trying to pull A to safety. Then A loses his grip (or the flag tears) and he plummets to the ground, motionless on impact.
Meanwhile, Nim yells to Bal that TD has fled the office.
[[Go after TD]]
[[Go to Amb]]B goes after TD in blind fury, (if: $godownstairs is true) [Nimona flying him back upstairs where] he grabs his sword, then Nim turns into a horse and they charge after TD. They eventually catch her, guards hot on their heels.
TD: Go on then, kill me and show everyone the villlain you are.
[[Kill TD]]
[[Don't kill TD->Run]](set: $emptyhanded to true)
Back at the hideout, and with no footage to upload to the web, Ballister is a mess of nerves. He constantly scans the news, trying to get any update on Amb's condition.
[[Eventually, he finds something.->Amb update]](set: $godownstairs to true)
Nim flies Bal down to the ground where Amb is sprawled, barely concious. Amb whispers Bal's name, then his eyes close.
A crowd is gathering. Someone calls for security/medic.
[[Stay with Amb ->Stay with him]]
[[Go after TD]](set: $godownstairs to false)
(set: $emptyhanded to false)
(set: $TDdead to false)
(set: $TDalive to false)
(set: $Ambdead to false)
(set: $Ambalive to false)
[[Begin]](set: $TDdead to true)
Ballister kills TD. Then he turns away, face darkened, hands shaking as he realizes he's gone beyond the point of no return.
B: You wanted me to be the villain. Now I'm the villain.
Nim is proud of him.
They burst their way out of the building and get away/
[[Upload footage of TD attacking Amb to the web->Upload footage]](set: $TDalive to true)
Bal hesitates, then seeing himself being surrounded by guards, pulls his sword away, saying he isn't going to be the villain - he has his footage of her attacking Amb, that's all he needs.
He and Nimona (who's disappointed) take off before they can be caught.
[[Upload footage of TD attacking Amb to the web->Upload footage]]Stay with him till medics arrive (they confirm Amb is still alive, but barely,) Nim urges him to leave when guards also arrive.
Trying to prove he isn't the one who threw Amb over the balcony, Bal pulls out the video-recording device to show the video of TD blasting Amb, but the device gets shot out of his hand.
[[Escape.->Go home emptyhanded]]TD announces that Bal had tried to kill Amb, as well as having killed the queen.
[[Bal and Nim go into deep hiding while they try to regroup.->Amb assassination attempt]]TD refutes the claim she was behind the attempted assassination of Amb - there's a shapeshifter in their midst! It's trying to frame her!
[[Bal and Nim go into deep hiding while they try to regroup.->Amb assassination attempt]]Bal and Nimona upload the attack footage video to the web. It blows up. Then the duo notice a news blub... [[Amb is still alive->Amb update]].Bal is glad Nim was there to stop TD.
TD is arrested under suspicion of attempted murder.
[[Amb awakens]]Bal is distraught at the news. possibly furious at TD?
TD is arrested under suspicion of attempted murder.
[[trial]]Nim says they should just leave the kingdom, since Bal can't hide forever. So they sneak out.
Possibility: they find a way to bring Amb with them when they leave.
The end.
[[Play again]]Bal's name is cleared. He's reinstated as a knight, marries Amb, and they live together w Nimona.
The end.
[[Play again]] TD is locked up, but Bal is still on the line for the queen's murder. With no way to clear his name, he decides to take down The Institute, becoming a grey villain, Nimona at his side.
The end.
[[Play again]]TD's second in command (or someone) steps up to take TD's place. They announce that TD indeed tried to kill Amb, but only because Amb was colluding with Ballister, who outright killed TD.
Bal doesn't dare show his face in public, staying in hiding.
Then a week later, [[news breaks that Amb has awoken->Amb awakens]].(set: $Ambdead to true)
Nim screams.
TD looks around, startled, then turns back to Amb, stabbing him with the syringe.
Nim yells again, and they can hear footsteps outside the room.
TD pockets the syringe right as the door opens, revealing several curious nurses.
Before anyone can say anything, Amb's life support alarms start going off.
The hospital staff hurry into the room, trying to revive him.
In the hubub, TD leaves. Nim runs through the air vents and catches up with TD, bursting out of the ceiling and landing on TD. Nim steals the empty syringe from TD before TD's guards can react, and then she bolts. She shifts into a nurse, returning to Amb's room, where the staff are still trying to bring him back.
Nurse Nim 'finds' the syringe in the room (maybe in the trash or stashed under a chair cushion). Someone recognizes the leftover green substance in the syringe; jaderoot.
There is no antidote for jaderoot.
Jaderoot act immediately and has a super short shelf life when not refrigerated, so TD is the only person who could have left the syringe behind.
Someone checks the cameras - sure enough, TD was the only one who'd entered the room in a while.
[[Meanwhile, Amb is pronounced dead.->distraught]](set: $Ambalive to true)
Nim bursts out and grabs the syringe before TD can stab Amb with it. Then Nim shifts into a nurse and hits the emergency button. Several of the staff arrive, and Nim says she was just checking in and found TD about to stab Amb with the syringe.
TD says N's lying and she's being framed.
The staff confiscate the syringe. Someone recognizes the green substance in it: jaderoot.
Jaderoot has a super short shelf life when not refrigerated, and the nurse Nim is impersonating has been out on duty for hours. TD is the only person who could have brought in the syringe.
[[back at base]](if: $Ambdead is true)
[TD is found guilty of murder. [[Epilogue->epilogue - light sad]] ]
[TD is found guilty of attempted murder of Amb, and murder of the queen.
[[Epilogue->epilogue - light happy]] ](reload:)
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